Propose Special Issue

The editorial team at Mari Papel y Corrugado regularly invites distinguished scholars to serve as Guest Editors for Special Issues, centered on themes of relevance to the scientific community. We encourage both readers and authors to submit proposals on topics that align with their areas of expertise. Once submitted, the Editorial Board, together with the Editor-in-Chief, carefully reviews and evaluates each proposal to ensure its suitability for the journal’s scope and readership. If you are interested in proposing a Special Issue, please complete the required submission details.


Comprehensive Guidelines for Special Issue Proposals at Mari Papel y Corrugado

To propose a Special Issue, the submission should include the following details:

  1. Topic Relevance: Ensure that the proposed theme aligns with the journal’s scope and audience.
  2. Proposed Title: A clear and concise title that reflects the focus of the Special Issue.
  3. Submission Timeline: Specify a submission deadline, generally ranging from 6 to 12 months.
  4. Guest Editor Information: Include names, affiliations, emails, research interests, and ORCID IDs of the Guest Editors. Collaboration with 1-3 colleagues is encouraged to balance the workload.
  5. Special Issue Summary (150–200 words) and Keywords: Provide a brief description of the Special Issue’s goals, key topics, and areas of focus. Include 3–10 relevant keywords.
  6. Planned Papers or Author List: Provide information about at least ten planned papers or a list of at least 15 potential authors, including their names, affiliations, emails, and potential paper titles.
  7. Call for Papers (Optional): If desired, submit a customized Call for Papers to be sent to potential contributors. The editorial team can assist in distributing this.
  8. Promotion Plan (Optional): Outline how you plan to promote the Special Issue, including how the editorial office can support these efforts.

Guest Editor Roles and Responsibilities at Mari Papel y Corrugado

  1. Upholding Ethical Standards: Guest Editors must adhere to the journal’s publication ethics and comply with the guidelines outlined by Mari Papel y Corrugado, including COPE standards.
  2. Content Relevance: It is the Guest Editor’s responsibility to ensure that the content aligns with the Mari Papel y Corrugado’s scope and mission.
  3. Citation Integrity: Guest Editors should avoid soliciting citations solely to increase citations for themselves, their affiliates, or the journal.
  4. Editor Contributions: While Guest Editors may submit their own work, submissions from editors should be limited to ensure diversity.
  5. Confidentiality and Conflicts of Interest: Guest Editors must maintain confidentiality during the review process and disclose any conflicts of interest. If conflicts arise, an alternative Editor will oversee the manuscript review.

Responsibilities in Managing a Special Issue

  1. Special Issue Introduction: Guest Editors are tasked with preparing a title, summary, and relevant keywords to introduce the Special Issue to potential authors.
  2. Contributor Outreach: They are responsible for reaching out to relevant researchers and inviting submissions.
  3. Peer Review Oversight: Guest Editors will manage the pre-screening and review processes, making editorial decisions in coordination with the journal’s editorial board.
  4. Promotion: Effective promotion strategies, such as advertising the Special Issue at conferences and on social media platforms, are encouraged to attract high-quality submissions.

Special Issue Composition and Recommendations

A successful Special Issue typically contains at least 10 published papers, along with an optional editorial by the Guest Editors. It is advisable to initially gather more submissions to account for possible rejections during peer review. Additionally, early-career researchers may be involved, but the final decision-making remains with the Guest Editors.

Benefits of Guest Editing

  1. Networking: Guest Editors gain opportunities to connect with peers and expand their academic networks.
  2. Contribution to Science: By facilitating the publication of high-quality research, Guest Editors play a key role in disseminating knowledge globally.

Effective Promotion Strategies

  1. Email Signatures: Add the Special Issue title and link to your email signature for increased visibility.
  2. Social Media: Use platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn to share updates and engage with the academic community.
  3. Conference Promotion: Announce the Special Issue during conference presentations or on your professional website.

By following these guidelines, Guest Editors can ensure the success of their Special Issues at Mari Papel y Corrugado.